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Angela Marie produced her first feature film ("Hollywood Chaos"), which she wrote and cast. She produced and directed three reality docuseries sizzles ("Dynamite Diva," "5-Star Moms" and a confidential one) to three different production companies, which led to her getting signed by ICM as a producer for unscripted television. Angela Marie produced an online video game ("Charm Kids"), based on her children's picture book. Also, she has been hired to produce and direct various media projects. Angela Marie is the producer of the PSA ("I am Breaking into Hollywood") and executive producer of an interstitial style 6-episode show ("The BReaKiNG iNTo HoLLyWooD Show"), which aired daily on Transit TV with over 1.15 million viewers. Angela Marie is actively developing several media projects.
Feature Film |
Book Promo |
Transit Network TV Show |
Behind-the-Chaos |
Docuseries Sizzle |
Docuseries Sizzle |
Docuseries Sizzle |
Angela M. HutchinsonFounder | BReaKiNG iNTo HoLLyWooD (BiH)President | BiH eNTeRTaiNMeNT (BiHe) Editor-in-Chief | Hollywood & Vine Magazine (H&V) Executive Director | Hollywood & Vine Film Festival (HVFF) Publishing Director | Hollywood & Vine Books (HVB) |
9595 Wilshire Blvd., 9th Floor Beverly Hills, CA 90212 (310) 712-3459 info@iamangelamarie.com |
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